I embrace life. I am carefree but harmless. I am playful but serious. I am complacent but not indifferent. I am a bowl of contradictions, but that's the first thing that makes me interesting.




  Brighter than Sunshine   tabula rasa   23 on 24   the bully in me   Listen   all i want for my birthday and for christmas   what's wrong with pink?   the book i never finished   Cat-Eating Doctor

 Word for the day: NEW

We can learn a lot from crayons. Some are sharp, some are pretty and some are dull.
Some have weird names and all are different colors, but they all have to live in the same box.


17 September, 2005

free writing....

well, i'm not sure what to write now. anything, something. hmmm...

okay here goes. i woke up at around 10am, ate pasta for brunch (its my mom's birthday), and watch the last two episode of Gilmore Girls on VCD (the latest season, where Rorie (Alexa) decided to leave Yale (Alexa is so... nice..... ). After that, i went back in my room, read a magazine, and went back to the living room and watched the UAAP Cheering competition (UST won, then UP, then FEU) which got me into thinking, i need to find a hobby now that the volleyball tourney ended (we we're the champs). i thought of 2 things: go to a dance class once a week (maybe I'll ask Bboy George) or enroll myself in a cooking class (they cook, i'll eat). i got tired of thinking, hit the showers and decided to go the mall and catch a movie. after waiting for a bus for 10mins, i wlaked back home and decided to rent a movie instead.

I watched the 2nd to the last episode of FRIENDS season 2, watched the first disc of the Italian Job (i love those coopers), and watched the Dukes of Hazzard (somewhat okay, Jessica Simpson played the best role, as a dumb blond chick... oh wait, she's not acting?).

And now, I'm writing my blog... What a fucking life this is!!!!

Well, that's life. But i enjoy it actually. Resting over the weekend. I even, once, never left my bed the whole day (i only left to take a bath, use the comfort room, eat lunch/dinner at the side table in my bedroom). Boring for some, heaven for me.

Next weekend, it'll be extra special because it's my birthday. I'm not yet sure what to do on Satrurday. Actually, I'm on vacation leave on Friday. Hmmm... I'll have my left earlobe pierced on Friday, probably get a massage on Saturday (my first massage!!!!), dye my hair black again, gat a new haircut, and have sex with a complete stranger (wahaha... let's just see what happens). On Sunday, i'll sleep all day! Watch DVD, read a book and rest rest rest!

Hmmm... or maybe i'll just sleep from Friday to Monday. That'll also be nice.
  Mixed Times