I embrace life. I am carefree but harmless. I am playful but serious. I am complacent but not indifferent. I am a bowl of contradictions, but that's the first thing that makes me interesting.




  Manila Club DJ
  Marlboro Red Drive @ Manila DJ Club   pierced, coloured and/or inked   My Little Cousin - Marcus   it's official   Amazing Race Goes to Arizona   Milk and Cereal   brat attack mode epidemic?   Celeb 3 Way Calling   Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels

 Word for the day: NEW

We can learn a lot from crayons. Some are sharp, some are pretty and some are dull.
Some have weird names and all are different colors, but they all have to live in the same box.


13 November, 2005

Fudge in a good way

Lately, i was thinking of a new alias. When i was in college, my sigsheet alias were Kool-Aid Kid (since i dyed my hair more than once) and Hosto (para daw akong pick-up boy sa QC circle... hehehe). Then there's kookabara and astrodeej.

Now... i want to be called FUDGE.

I tried searching the net for its meaning:

1. fudge (noun) - soft creamy candy
2. fudge (verb) - fake or falsify
3. fudge (verb) - avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing

Well, deifinitely, i fall on the first definition... I'm a soft creamy candy. I don't really fudge at work. I'm the opposite of fudge.

Anyway, i like the sound of it, Fudge. DJ Fudge. Naks, I'm like some DJ in a club... DJ Fudge in the house!!!!

Fudge... Nice....
  Mixed Times