I embrace life. I am carefree but harmless. I am playful but serious. I am complacent but not indifferent. I am a bowl of contradictions, but that's the first thing that makes me interesting.




  The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
  Tuesday Blah Blahs   BIGFISH Party Pics (Amnesia)   Best Pics of the First Half of 2005 (pt1)   Dominant Introverted Abstract Thinker   Online Tests, and how my score againts the worldwi...   My Birth Month: And What It Means   Things I Want To Happen in 5 weeks   Cocoa Puffs In Between   Latest Albums in my T41

 Word for the day: NEW

We can learn a lot from crayons. Some are sharp, some are pretty and some are dull.
Some have weird names and all are different colors, but they all have to live in the same box.


24 July, 2005

FACE-OFF:Van versus Gib

I'll continue my blog next time... tired... sleepy... The article below is not yet finished!!!

Wahahaha! Let's see who wins in FACE-OFF. Le's have Van and Gib on the weighing scale... uhmmm... rather... let's have these two sassy ladies on my blog page.

ROUND 1: Picture Picture

ROUND 2: Talent Show
Van sings, Gib dances. Van is the next big thing for acoustic bands (i heard that their band recenlty got dis-banded.. hehe). Gib knows how to dance, knows how to project and pose. But in terms of raw potential talent, Van has it all. Maybe Gib will just be a back-up dancer when Van performs on stage.

ROUND 3: Of Course Of Course

ROUND 4: Ms. Popularity

and the winer is...
  Mixed Times